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Sonoran Pediatric Endocrinology &  Diabetes Institute (SPEDI)  is excited to invite you to Turner Girls United (TGU) - our first ever Turner Syndrome meetup event!

TGU aims to connect girls with Turner Syndrome and help them find common interests and strengths, and share their experiences in a relaxed and fun -filled setting! This will be a wonderful opportunity for our amazing young ladies with Turner Syndrome to meet and connect with other girls who are part of this incredible community. Please join us and  be part of the fun!

We hope to see you there!

7/9/21 TGU Flyer

Our Locations

Scottsdale (SCO) clinic: TUES & WED

Hours: 9AM - 5 PM

Closed 12-1 PM for Lunch

Address: 10290 N 92nd St, STE 207, Scottsdale, AZ 85258

Glendale (GLE) clinic: THUR 

Hours: 9AM - 5 PM

Closed 12-1 PM for Lunch

Address: 5700 W Olive Ave

STE 106, Glendale, AZ 85302


(480) 757-6457

F (844) 201-3081

***Clinic closed Mon & Fri

All mailed correspondences should be sent to our GLE address (cannot receive mail at the SCO location).

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